What is Inheritance in PHP?

Digital Dattatrey
2 min readFeb 27, 2021


Every class has its own properties and methods. Suppose Class A & Class B has its own properties and methods. If Class B want to access Class A properties, here php oops introduce Inheritance concept. Through Php Inheritance many classes and objects relate to one another. The class which properties or methods will used in inheritance is called Base Class And which class is using this method or properties is called derived class.

Inheritance in PHP

If we can use more than one inheritance its called multilevel inheritance. please see below image for it.

multilevel inheritance

Example of Inheritance

The Tomato class is inherited from the Vegetable class.

This means that the Tomato class can use the public $name and $color properties as well as the public __construct() and intro() methods from the Fruit class because of inheritance.

The Tomato class also has its own method: message().

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class Vegetable {

public $name;

public $color;

public function __construct($name, $color) {

$this->name = $name;

$this->color = $color;


public function intro() {

echo “{$this->name} is fruit and the color is {$this->color}.”;



// Strawberry is inherited from Fruit

class Tomato extends Vegetable {

public function message() {

echo “Am I a fruit or a Vegetable? “;



$tomato = new Tomato(“Tomato”, “red”);








Digital Dattatrey
Digital Dattatrey

Written by Digital Dattatrey


Hi I am Dattatrey. I have 5 years of experience in Digital Marketing, Social Media marketing, Domain & Hosting and web designing.

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